
Title Amenities Address
Al Rollins Baseball Complex Picnic Shelter
Soccer Fields
521 Threadmill Road
Dalton, GA 30720
Broaddus-Durkan Soccer Complex Soccer/Football Field - Synthetic
310 Smith Industrial Boulevard
Dalton, GA 30721
Brookwood Park Gazebo
Tennis Courts
901 W Lakeshore Drive
Dalton, GA 30720
A concert crowd at Burr Park Burr Performing Arts Park Sidewalk
101 S. Hamilton Street
Dalton, GA 30720
Civitan Park/Harlan Godfrey Park Trails for Walking and Jogging
505 Shugart Road
Dalton, GA 30721
the playground at Dalton Green Park Dalton Green Gazebo
117 N Selvidge Street
Dalton, GA 30721
An aerial view of the lake at Haig Mill Lake Park Haig Mill Lake Park Picnic Shelter
Trails for Walking and Jogging
652 Haig Mill Lake Road
Dalton, GA 30720
Heritage Point Regional Park Baseball Field
Picnic Shelter
Soccer Fields
Tennis Courts
Trails for Walking and Jogging
1275 Cross Plains Trail
Dalton, GA 30721
The DPRD logo on the soccer field Heritage Point Soccer Complex Picnic Shelter
Soccer/Football Field - Synthetic
1700 Hale Bowen Drive
Dalton, GA 30720
James Brown Park Baseball Field
Picnic Shelter
904 Civic Drive
Dalton, GA 30721
Joan Lewis Park Playground
Soccer Fields
700 Fourth Avenue
Dalton, GA 30721
John Davis Recreation Center Baseball Diamond
Baseball Field
Basketball Court
Basketball Court
Picnic Shelter
Soccer Fields
Soccer/Football Field - Synthetic
904 Civic Drive
Dalton, GA 30721
Lakeshore Park & Tennis Complex Picnic Shelter
Soccer Fields
Tennis Courts
1335 Crescent Street
Dalton, GA 30720
Mack Gaston Community Center Basketball Court
Soccer/Football Field - Synthetic
Splash Pad
Volleyball Court
218 Fredrick Street
Dalton, GA 30721
Mount Rachel Trail Picnic Shelter
Trails for Walking and Jogging
West Park Street
Dalton, GA 30721
The golf course Nob North Golf Course
298 Nob North Drive
Cohutta, GA 30710
Otis Cook Tree Park
800 Parkway Drive
Dalton, GA 30721
Raisin Woods Park/Trail Picnic Shelter
Trails for Walking and Jogging
145 Raisin Way
Dalton, GA 30721
An image of the water fall at Water Fall Park Water Fall Park Picnic Shelter
890 College Drive
Dalton, GA 30720